Freitag, Februar 23, 2007

Lift-off to Laos

In some hours we will board the plane to Udon Thani, from where we will get the Bus to Laos. We will meet Kristian and Kim and a bunch of Ex-Junkies there. Well I don't really know a lot of what we will be doing so far, but you can read from their experiences in Thailand over the last few days (if you know German, but also some cool pictures). Also Wolf wrote a bit about meeting with us.
We just spent 4 days in Singapur, met with some people from Sonic Edge and were reminded of the old and glorious Steiger days: Some of the people we talked to have been involved with Steiger and were in Germany at the Steiger Conference in 1998. This is where I first found the flyer of Delhi House (now Sewa Ashram)in India, where I went later on. Okay, five links are enough for one post. Hope we will get Web Acess in Laos.


Anonymous Anonym said...

Grüüüß Gooott! aus der Heimat!
Denk an euch!
Schön von euch zu lesen!

! genug der "!"
eure nele

2:24 PM  

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