Sonntag, Juli 23, 2006


Thanks for all your prayers for our friends in Lebanon. As far as we know they are fine - some have left the country, the others are trying to keep up with normal life... It seems that none of them will be able to come to Freakstock, but they are in our hearts anyway.

Now. Cairo. I must confess I have been quite tired during the last week and half staying here in Cairo, some extra temperature and smog has not helped much... BUT we had very nice company. We met Hannes (Jesus Freaks Stuttgart) totally unexpected and spent the whole week hanging out with him and some friends!! That gave us a nice break of being "only" tourists which we enjoyed a lot.

Cairo is an overwhelming city with 17 million people living very closely together. Rich and poor, educated and illiterate all side by side. It reminds me much of India, the little backstreets, lots of children playing, fruit stalls, tea houses, men sucking their sheesha - as well as highly educated business students hanging out in western style coffee places and bars.
On our first night we sat by the Nile watching the people passing by and I felt I like this city. Maybe it's the water :-).


Blogger Maresa said...

Gerade habe ich eine Mail direkt aus dem Bunker bekommen... Ich bin sehr froh, dass nicht noch mehr Freunde von mir sowas durchmachen müssen! Schön, dass es euch soweit gut geht und dass ihr durch Hannes ein bisschen "Heimat" genießen konntet! Ich wünsch euch, dass ihr etwas mehr Zeit zum Ausruhen findet und nicht völlig ausgepumpt zum Freakstock kommt... Bis ganz bald!

3:05 PM  
Blogger beninger said...

freu mich euch bald zu sehn.

8:37 PM  

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