Mittwoch, August 23, 2006

Freaks united at Flevo

Just returned from the Flevo Festival in Holland, a huge open-air with lots of bands, seminars and what they call cabarets (never been to a performance, so I don't know what happened there). It is more expensive (extra charges for program booklets, parking and the apocalyptic Flevo card without which noone can buy food and drinks) and less foreigner-friendly (rarely programs in english and no translations) than Freakstock, but we (here: Sam and Hajo because Rebecca didn't come along) had a really cool time. Enjoyed nice gigs with Blindside (pic), Sacrificium, TSTGU and alikes.

We were invited to have our tents in the camp of the dutch Jesus Freaks and enjoyed many conversations and food together. They really made us feel as a part of the bigger Jesus Freaks family, and we could prolong the "You are not alone" feeling that has been so crucial at Freakstock. The group in Ede exists for about one year now, and it looks as if there are more to come. Excited to see this happen! Many thanks and greetings to Benjamin ("I can arrange something"), Jan Willem (see you in Thailand!) and all the other dutch Jesus Freaks. We love you!

Very special was the possibility to meet Rana, another friend we made back in Beirut. We met her together with the other people from Youth on Fire and found out that we have a number of things in common. She came to Holland to prepare the production of a childrens' TV programm that has been broadcasted in Holland and is being adapted into arabic. Really cool stuff! She presented some of the scenes in a seminar about Lebanon and ended with an arabic song.
On monday Sara and me brought Sam to the airport. After two and a half weeks together we became close as brothers and I feel that we will meet again, perhaps on the "Cedarstock" that he is starting to prepare (not sure about the name, the place and the time yet...).


Blogger Jocky said...

Wow, you have seen Morphia? Great band, I like them a lot!

It has been a while since I have been to Flevo Totaal Festival. Back in 92 and 94.

Saw there some bands who were just about to begin their "career".

A concert of The Violet Burning where singer Michael Pritzl prayed at the beginning of the gig that the rain would stop. And the rain ceased for the exact time of their concert.

And one of the first concerts of Sixpence non the Richer. It was the opening concert of the festival and singer Leigh Nash (17 at that time) looked like she wanted to disappear into the ground.

Now how they have changed today!

And yes it was not very foreign friendly at that time, too. Everything in durch, no translations, only a few english or german workshops...
But a great experience non the less.
(I randomly saw a gig of Seventh Angel shortly before the departed)

6:57 PM  
Blogger hajoundrebecca said...

I see. Metalheads united :-)

(listening to Jesus Burger junior)

3:59 PM  
Blogger Jocky said...

JesusBurger sind Metalheads??? :O

7:25 AM  

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