Donnerstag, März 30, 2006

rythm is it

Rythm, creation, seasons... I am trying to find out what my particular rythm of life is - in every day life, seasons of life ... Spiritually, physically, whatever.
I still find it difficult to stick to a certain routine - trying to find out which routine would help me and which one bores me, has destructive effects on me. The routine of falling asleep while reading doesn't seem helpful...
It becomes still more important when there's not much routine left that structures my day from outside - at the moment I live in a very tight routine. But a challenge of travelling is to adapt to ever new ways of life, daily routines that lie within culture, mentality - and at the same time live my life, find my routine within that all. Looking forward.

Hm. All that really was to tell the world that it's now the second week I go jogging regularly... Revolution... (and rythm :-)

Donnerstag, März 23, 2006

Japan rocks

A friend of ours, JP is in Japan at the moment, visiting different people and ministries. Check out his webpage to see whats going on there. He and his wife want to plant a Jesus Freaks Church on the opposite side of the planet. In July he is doing an outreachto Taiwan. They found out about some hardcore kids who wanted to do a christian music festival and about emerging churches in shopping malls.
Japan must be a crazy place. A former flatmate of ours, who is half Japanese told us that in the streets of Tokyo they have vending machines where you can buy worn underwear. Must be some kind of fetish cult..

Montag, März 20, 2006

flowers missing

Yeah, the first flights are booked and really cheap ones! We decided to start in the beginning of march in Turkey, then travel overland to Syria etc. and return to Germany for Freakstock from Cairo...
I am reading T.E. Lawrence`s pillars of humanity - about the First World War and the role of the arabian revolt and Lawrences view about arabian culture, thoughts on life in the desert and all. Looking forward to the desert. and camels. and all that. you know.

Our time here in comparison is - snowy - and intense. Lots of information; requires a lot of thinking. Last week it was about religions - hinduism including all the new age stuff that is related, buddhism and islam... I feel it's good to try and understand the underlying worldviews, concepts of life and all. But in the end I just love to hear from people what it means for their lives - how they answer the big questions about life, ... and the universe - what else was it? And don't tell me it's 42...
And for me... turning back and looking at Jesus... always is the answer.

Dienstag, März 07, 2006

Nehren - Hamburg

Sunday night we arrived in Hamburg. In a Polo packed with backpacks, books, Hajo's mobile office and Julia...
It feels good to be here. The flat we are living in for the next 7 weeks is right above a pub that turned out to be the meeting place of St. Paulis fanclub. Yeah.
We are doing a kind of seminary for the time we will be in India in autumn this year. It contains cultural training, practical stuff and a lot of God-stuff. I feel this will be a very intense, challenging and enriching time.
For me leaving Nehren on Sunday really felt like closing a chapter of my life and stepping into something new. Hajo still has to finish his diploma and there's other things to organise, but already it is a new level. Or track or road. Whatever. It feels good.
I started a new journal.
(Well, after watching Bridget Jones I+II with my friend catrin)

Sonntag, März 05, 2006

kurtlar vadisi irak

Na einigermaßen platt war ich schon nach dem Film - bei so einer geballten Ladung von Klischees... böse böse... Aber dann... war es halt auch OmU... und Türkisch ist halt cok güzel... Wie natürlich auch die Helden und die schöne Leyla. Vor allem fühlt es sich aber komisch an, wenn die Amis Türkisch sprechen und die, die sonst immer die Welt retten plötzlich die Bösen sind. Ob das Trara gerechtfertigt ist? Manches tut schon weh.
Hab nur mal wieder gemerkt: Türkiye cok seviyorum - freu mich schon mega, bald wieder dort zu sein. Und erst recht darauf, mal auch den Osten kennenzulernen...