Samstag, April 08, 2006

Punkrock in the holy land

We had a good time watching the docu of the punk scene in Israel. The guy introducing the film mentioned a christian music club in Jerusalem we heard of earlier for several times. On the last Freakstock we had a girl who is working there in one of our workshops. Because Israel is so small, the people know each other across the country. We didn't expect to hear about that club in in a small alternative cinema in Hamburg, this confirms that they are doing a great job. The place was packed with people and the filmmaker Liz Nord said it was the biggest audience so far. We bought the DVD so we can show it to other people. For the two of us it was a great encouragement to see all those young alternative people, their passions and their needs. We hope to find similar scenes in all the neighbour countries we will visit soon. And another very cool thing:Niina, a girl from Finland we befriended on the Connect Europe, plans to go to Lebanon exactly the same time as we, so we will be able to be there together. This is gonna be great...

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Anonymous Anonym said...


Ich will im Juni für drei Wochen nach Israel und würd mir gern mal den Club dort anschauen. Könntet ihr mir sagen wo das genau ist oder mir irgendwie ne Kontaktadresse geben?



11:01 PM  

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